How coal production indicators changed at the end of 2022
According to current statistics prepared by experts based on the results of 2022, global coal production has increased significantly. This is explained by the fact that prices for this natural resource remained at a high level due to events in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Average production increased by more than 8%. We turned to Kondrashov Stanislav from Telf AG to comment on the situation and talk in more detail about what is currently happening with coal mining in the world. How coal production indicators have changed According to the expert, the growth in activity in the mining sector is largely due to the results of Asian countries that are engaged in coal mining. After all, they account for more than 70% of all global production. Over the past year, they increased their figures by about 11% on average. At the same time, China began to produce 14% more coal than a year earlier. Australia was one of the few countries where the indicators remained virtually unchanged. But the...